Have You Ever Been Baked?

Have You Ever Been Baked?

Baked to a Golden Perfection :)? I'm so excited about wrapping this week up and packing up for my favorite annual meditation retreat, Dhyanyoga Center's Mahasamadhi Retreat. A retreat that celebrates the inspiring life of Shri Dhyanyogiji and the teachings he so...

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Month of Shiva

Month of Shiva

In Rishikesh, India, there is an amazingly gargantuan murti (statue) of shiva in the middle of the Ganges River. It is not only gorgeous but oh so inspiring! Some parts of the year, the statue is completely submerged into the water and at other times, he sits in all his glory above the water.

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Breath Through it All

Breath Through it All

That's what my mantra for June has been.... just breathe through it all :). Between back to back festivals out of state, crazy allergies and intense world events, it's been a roller coaster kinda month. One of my favorite moments this month was when my husband and I...

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Cellphones: my love/hate relationship

Cellphones: my love/hate relationship

The thing is…. cell phones are no longer just phones. They are mini computers, walk-man’s, cameras, magazines, shopping centers, calendars, books, classes, notepads, weather men, calculators, encyclopedias, stationary, book clubs, travel agents, alarm clocks….and the list goes on and on from here. I don’t know about you, but I find myself more and more guilty of multi-tasking a billion and one things right from the palm of my hand, at all hours of the day (and sometimes night).

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Mother’s Day Brunch Ideas

Mother’s Day Brunch Ideas

For this Mother's Day, my mom said she didn't want any presents, just full day of spending the day together doing some fun stuff--so that's what we're gonna do! We're going to start with a homemade brunch, followed a day in DC where we'll visit some museums, take a...

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Inspiring Change, a reminder from our forefathers

Inspiring Change, a reminder from our forefathers

I absolutely adore how spring brings about a whole new energy of regeneration, rejuvenation and excitement. Excitement for warmer weather, a change in wardrobe, an increase in outdoor activities and the enjoyment of a much more colorful landscape. This past weekend,...

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Deathless Love

Deathless Love

One of my favorite parts of my vacation was diving deep into an “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramhansa Yogananda. It’s definitely being added to my top 10 list of best spiritual books out there. It’s so beautifully written; I’m amazed at how he captured the essence and magnificence of the guru (teacher) disciple (student) relationship.

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Love Letter To Spring

Love Letter To Spring

Dear Spring, I am so delighted at your arrival :)! I've spent a lot of time this winter planting and nurturing things inside and outside of me and am so excited to see them take bloom now. Thank you for all the hope, new life and fresh starts you bring as you inspires...

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Warm Sips

Warm Sips

What do you sip on when it gets cold out? It's that time of year....where warm sips of something nourishing are always near me while I'm working :)....especially when winter storms come through and we're snowed in :). Don't you love the magic of big storms. The night...

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Sivasana: my favorite pose.

Sivasana: my favorite pose.

Stillness from Deep Within As much as we all love the idea of deep and total peace, I think many of us have a harder time with it than we realize. Sivasana (my now, favorite yoga pose), also known as corpse pose, is known to be the ultimate relaxation/peace pose. When...

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#100 Day Project: daily art

#100 Day Project: daily art

In October I had a ball doing a 30 day, art every day challenge. I didn’t really have any expectations for the month, I was just interested in sketching more and seeing if I’d be able to stick to the routine. Little did I know that it would awaken my creativity in a whole new way :). Above and below are a few of peeks of some of the art I created over the course of 30 days. I really enjoyed exploring my interpretation of goddesses :)…that’s Saraswati above and Lakshmi below…amongst sketching out recipes, my everyday yogini’s and I did a little ode to quiet places. It didn’t really put a box around the type of art I had to create which was so freeing.

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