Holy Days & Fasting Pancakes

Holy Days & Fasting Pancakes

I feel like the Fall snuck up on me...:)? If I recall correctly, it was hot one day and then chilly and pouring the rain the next...what's been happening in your neck of the woods? To be honest, I'm actually quite delighted that the season's are changing...because I...

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Sesame Ginger Baked Tofu

Sesame Ginger Baked Tofu

It’s always good to remember that the one weapon we always have in our arsenal for self-care is the food we put in our bodies. Food is such an amazing tool, don’t think? What we feed ourselves literally fuels our energy levels, directly impacts the appearance of our bodies and greatly influences our minds. For something we do several times a day…I’d say it’s worth putting a little dedicated time and creative energy towards since the payoff is huge.

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Burning Bright or Burned Out?

Burning Bright or Burned Out?

At the end of August I had the chance to go to an awesome retreat that was hosted by the Good Life Project. If you haven’t heard of Jonathan Fields and his organization, they’re definitely worth checking out. It was quite an inspiring weekend where I had the opportunity to hear some trail blazing speakers talk on what a good life means to them, attend some information-packed workshops on how to run & sustain an authentic business and I had the chance to meet other fellow meditators, wellness and creativity enthusiasts. Best of all there was time built in for self-care through daily yoga, meditation, crafts, talking with other kindred spirits, playing and eating three fresh meals a day.

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The Happiest Man On Earth: my grandfather.

The Happiest Man On Earth: my grandfather.

The happiest man on earth; my grandfather.

Words can’t really describe what an amazing soul my grandfather was. He touched the lives of thousands; putting a smile on each and every face and filling countless bellies with food and love. He lived on 3 continents, worked hard at turning his dreams into a reality and spent his days feeding people, laughing and making others laugh. He had a deep faith in God and family. And with 8 children, 16 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren, he had the ability to make each one feel special and loved.

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Dear Faith, thank you.

Dear Faith, thank you.

For my New Year’s collage this year I decided my word for 2015 was going to be Faith. Now, as July comes to an end and August begins, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on this word; especially since it was the theme of my teachers closing words at the recent meditation retreat I went to, and it’s also something my family is relying on heavily as we watch death slowly approach my grandfather.

I’m so grateful for my faith.

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CTA Toast

CTA Toast

One of my favorite things in the summer are tomatoes…and as we head into summer and the tomatoes and avocados are ripe and delicious, CTA Toast (Cottage Cheese, Tomato & Avocado) makes a great breakfast. It’s especially nice because it takes less then 5 minutes to make…and it’s fresh, high in protein, and of course, delicious…so ENJOY!

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Rice Crackers + Hummus + Kraut

Rice Crackers + Hummus + Kraut

Hello Friends,

Since I was out of the country for the start of the new year, February has kind-of-been like my January :)! So now that my new year has officially begun, so has my re-inspired love for healthy snacks. My latest and greatest favorite is super simple and only has 3 ingredients :).

rice crackers + hummus + kraut

For those of you that are #vegan and/or #glutenfree, this is a fantastic snack (or an impressive appetizer) that is fast, filling and easily changeable…not to forget it also looks beautiful :).

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The magic of meditation.

The magic of meditation.

I love India. There’s something so magical about being there…but so hard to put into words.

India is a country full of all sorts of extremes that can stimulate your senses and evoke a lot of emotions. These extremes are not compartmentalized or segregated, but instead they all co-exist. There’s richness and poorness, spirituality and materialism, spicy and extra spicy :), wide open farmland and overly congested cities, traffic jams and water buffalo crossings, delicious aromas and putrid smells and a deep innate sense of the constant bustle and peaceful stillness that life has to offer.

It’s amazing.

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Wishing you…

Wishing you…

Dear Friends, I'll be back in few short weeks from India, but until then, I wish you all the HAPPIEST HOLIDAY SEASON AND THE BRIGHTEST NEW YEAR that you've yet seen :)! xo, Kajal

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