Northern California is amazing. Even though we’ve had a relatively cold winter and it’s still only February, spring is here. We recently had a string of warm days and voila! everything began to bloom. It’s been beautiful driving to work this week because the streets are lined with pink and white fully flowered trees that just look so darn gorgeous against the bright green hills we have here. My husband surprised me with some Cherry blossoms this week….aren’t they beautiful?
Well now that so much is in bloom, allergies are following closely behind. So many people I’ve talked with over the past few weeks have had a harder time than normal with all grasses and pollen in the air….especially those that suffer from asthma.
As an asthmatic myself, I know I’ve definitely been feeling it in my lungs. So, this week my husband and I were perusing through one of our favorite home remedies book, The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Vasant Lad (which by the way is an amazing book to have on hand if you don’t already) and we found an interesting remedy for CHRONIC BRONCHIAL ASTHMA.
In the book there’s no title for this remedy, but I like to call it the Banana and Cloves Method. This is what Dr. Lad says:
If you have chronic bronchial asthma, try this remedy. Insert about 7 cloves into a peeled banana, cover and keep over night. Next morning, eat the banana and cloves. Don’t eat anything for an hour, then drink one cup of hot water with 1 teaspoon of honey. This will energize the lungs and should reduce asthmatic wheezing.
-Dr. Vasant Lad, The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies
And let me just tell you, I attest to the greatness and power of this simple remedy. I’ve taken it for 3 days now and I have no sign of wheezing or a tight chest, which is positively amazing to me. This of course is not a replacement for my inhaler in case of an emergency, but it’s definitely a great remedy for helping strengthen my lungs and not keep me so dependent on my inhaler.
There are a lot of asthmatics out there…so if you know of any, I would highly suggest passing this post forward. I’m pretty sure they’ll be grateful for it…especially once they try it out for themselves.
Have a great weekend everyone!
I personally a asthmatic. I am going to try your remedy. Tqvm