Homemade Kale Chips

Homemade Kale Chips

I've been wanting to make homemade Kale Chips for a while now, so yesterday we had a beautiful snow day…which was perfect for making these little, slow-cooked goodies. These chips are best to make on days when you're home and busy with something else. They have very...

Sautéed Apples & Spice…and our 21-day cleanse

Sautéed Apples & Spice…and our 21-day cleanse

I had a funny epiphany a few days into the New Year….this is the first, in MANY years that I didn't create a long list of foods that I was not going to eat after the New Year :). This is huge for me…since I've had one of these lists every year since probably high...

Almond Ojas Drink…and the winners are!

Almond Ojas Drink…and the winners are!

This little almond drink is so delicious…not to mention mighty rejuvenating and energizing…just what we all need for the new year! The recipe is from Dr. Lad's, Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing: A Practical Guide book (one of my favorite go-to books for simple...

Blackberry Apple Crumb Pie

Blackberry Apple Crumb Pie

It's been a while since I posted. Packing and unpacking kinda took over my life for the past few months...but I think I'm starting to feel a little settled in our new home---at least settled enough to make some pie! This recipe is a twist on the most delicious pies...

Fourth of July Favorites

Fourth of July Favorites

What a summer it's been! I'm taking this awesome on-line class called Make Art That Sells....and I love it. It's definitely been a bigger commitment than I was expecting, but I'm thrilled at how much I'm learning and growing through it. So, this piece is my latest and...

Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies—not your average delight!

Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies—not your average delight!

It's been awhile since I posted's been a busy summer :). But in the midst of all the busy-ness I thought I would share with you all my go-to cookie, that I've been baking once a week (or more)! They're my favorite little delights that are so satisfying and...

Yogic Fasting….spring quinoa salad

Yogic Fasting….spring quinoa salad

Every year in the Vedic calendar there are two, 9 day periods of time called Navratri (one falls in the spring and one happens in the fall); both are considered to be high spiritual energy days. During these periods, yogis recommend doing extra japa practices,...

Zucchini Hummus

Zucchini Hummus

The other day I had a huge amount of Zucchini on hand, so I decided to try something new...Zucchini Hummus. It was pretty tasty and much lighter than your usual hummus since zucchini is not as hearty garbanzo beans. I served it with warmed pita wedges and some...

Fennel, Carrot Spinach Wrap

Fennel, Carrot Spinach Wrap

What a weekend we was packed with great weather, awesome meditations and some quality cooking time for my meditation teacher, Shri Anandi Ma. This weekend we went Shri Anandi Ma's Public Meditation Programs. Like usual, they were awesome and definitely...

The goodness of CHUTNEY…and COOKING PARTIES!

The goodness of CHUTNEY…and COOKING PARTIES!

It's been 70 degrees here this week; really loving the warm weather! Last weekend I gave my first Cooking Party Cooking Class; inspired by my friend Bruce who wanted to give a dear friend of his a special birthday present. Instead of going out for dinner I gave him...

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