Packing In Extra Goodies

This weekend I’ll be prepping for my Pre-Holiday Tune-Up, that starting next week (Oct 23- Nov 11)….especially the clean eating portion of it.

Are you joining me?

My main goal is to work towards getting into a supportive routine that is rejuvenating to that body so that when the holiday gatherings and feastings begin, my inner sparkle and outer glow that will be undeniable.

So here’s round up of my top 5 favorite recipes that I’ll be using during my cleanse.

  1. Cannellini Bean & Kale Vegan Bisque – a creamy, yet healthy alternative for soup days 🙂
  2. Sauteed Apples + Spice – a great sugar-free snack or dessert
  3. Cauliflower Jalapeno Spiced Alfredo – one of my favorite dishes…it’s so yummy and totally guilt-free 🙂
  4. Rice Crackers + Hummus + Kraut – a really fast, filling, and delicious snack
  5. Another Green Drink – a reader sent me this recipe several years ago….it’s full of deliciousness!

And, if you’d like to join me in my Pre-Holiday Tune-Up….I’d love the company! See below for all the details!

Lots of love,

Download your free 21-day Pre-Holiday Tune-Up Calendar + Checklist




To get a free copy of this 21-day calendar & checklist and join me for a little internal prep before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season begins, just click here :)!  Then join our private facebook group, share what your focus is going to be…and then let’s support each other :)!

These are just a few subtle but powerful things that I think if worked into our schedules between now and mid-November… will surely result in an inner sparkle and outer glow that will be undeniable as the holiday season hustle and bustle begins!

Yoga + Exercise

45-60 minutes of movement everyday day.

So whether that’s a combination of hatha yoga, pranayama, meditation, walking, an aerobics class, riding a bike….anything that allows me to step away from my phone/social media and connect with myself….READ MORE 

Clean Eating

Pack in extra greens + veggies, and satisfy sweet cravings with fruit + smoothies!

As a gluten-free vegetarian, my meals are already pretty vegetable rich, but over the next month I’ll be packing my meals with extra greens and veggies, satisfying my sugar cravings with fruit and green smoothies….READ MORE

Sweet Dreams

Create a bedtime ritual for deep, rejuvenating sleep.

Sleep experts, like Arianna Huffington, have proven through extensive research that creating a comforting, bedtime ritual + turning off your phone, 20-30 minutes before you shut your eyes for the night, can have a dramatic effect on your sleep…READ MORE

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