DO YOU do what you LOVE to do?

This past year has been such an adventure for me….I’ve been trying out loads of new things, meeting some very interesting and inspiring people and constantly sitting with the thought….what is it I really LOVE to DO… if I could spend every single day of my life doing whatever my little heart desired…what would it be. What do I love to do?
And then my next question is: What holds us back from doing exactly that?
As you can probably tell, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching…and the class I’m currently taking (and cannot stop posting about) Hello Soul, Hello Business, is really making me dig deeper into this question. I am constantly inspired by the many people that I read about or have been fortunate to connect with that are following their inner guide and doing what they are most passionate about and find the greatest joy from doing it on a daily basis….I’ve just run into so many examples this year alone, that I don’t think it’s just by chance…
- Kelley Rae Roberts | social worker turned artist, turned author and mentor of artists who want to thrive. A true possibilitarian.
- Beth Nicholls | corporate PR executive that now is an independent consultant that specializes in helping artists get not only off the ground but she takes them to the moon…really amazing lady.
- Melody Ross | an amazing woman who is now inspiring and supporting more women on a daily basis than anyone I know.
- Steve Jobs | his 2006 Stanford Graduation Commencement address sums up his whole journey…internal and external to accomplishing just this.
The most amazing thing I’ve come to realize is that once these people were really able to hone into what they love to do….each of them not only flourished almost over night, but they touched thousands if not millions of lives…now that’s a beautiful thing.
This is blog is a huge part of me bringing together all the things I love…yoga, food and art…but I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of how I hope to bring these things together to produce something that can inspire and touch the lives of many. Discovering your life’s mission is a journey and I’m learning that even when things are just percolating inside…it’s a beautiful part of the process, that requires ALOT of patience, nurturing and time (….which for an Aries, the patience part can be a little bit of challenge :).
I would love to hear from any of you out there….are you really doing what you LOVE to do?
p.s. Been painting a little bit more these days….and am LOVING it…above is one of my latests.