” Be where you are. Otherwise you might miss your life.” – Buddha

I didn’t realize it I was missing my life, until the middle of last year….I was working 60-70 hour work weeks, my mind was constantly racing with my mile long to-do list, I was eating horribly, I had stopped making anytime to care for myself physically…no working out, no yoga, no meditation….and on top of that I was trying to balance my first year of marriage (my first and only REAL relationship)… the irony in all this is that I was a general manager of a yoga center….a place where people come for peace, balance, and quieting down.

One day I was in the midst of a breakdown, which was happening more and more often, a friend of mine said… “What is it that you want”….

Well, that was a great question… I thought I knew…a job dedicated to inner peace and world peace…what could be better? Well what’s the point when you have no peace yourself? So, that’s when I decided to do something radical, in the midst of the economic down turn, at a time when my husband was in-between jobs… I resigned from my job. A little foolish? Maybe. But, I knew something had to drastically change. I was determined to try to create a different life for myself: A more wholesome life, where I could find balance between work, play, family and time to nourish my soul.

So this past year has been a real inward journey for myself. All the of the lessons I’ve only really read about in my collection of umpteen number of spiritual and yoga books on surrender, faith, love, detachment, forgiveness….I got to, and am still learning how to take a little from all of those lessons put them into everyday action. What a year!

So, welcome to Wholesome Soul…a place where I hope we can all gather, talk about life lessons and share ways to nourish our souls.

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