Secret Ingredient: YOU!

Today in my class, Hello Soul, Hello Business….Kelley Rae Roberts and Beth Nicholls hit on a few things that I’ve always REALLY believed in regarding communicating….most important being that OUR ENERGY TRANSLATES….therefore just BE YOURSELF.
They of course we talking specifically about how your business energy translates your energy….how it behaves, feels, reacts…how it represents you. But I think it’s true with everything you do, because all relationships…business and personal involve energies to interact.
I think all too often, we forget to live from our souls… a place deeply nestled inside of each one of us. When we can truly come from this place of truth, by simply being ourselves, then we open ourselves up to a whole different flow of energy. We begin to attract people who understand us, get us, and are aligned with our core values.
YOU BEING YOU, is the secret ingredient.
It reminds me of a homecoming…a homecoming for the soul; When you reach your truth and are able to just reside in that place of love, all your actions are that much more powerful, that much more meaningful and that much more contagious.
And then you are truly a force in nature that has the power to accomplish anything!