Upgrade Your Lifestyle: great medicine for the soul.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend an amazing retreat called “Ayurvedic Principles: of the Body, Mind and Spirit”. It was led by Dr. Vasant Lad of the Ayurvedic Institute, as well as Shri Anandi Ma and Dileepji (Kundalini Maha Yoga Masters). The whole weekend was like panning for gold in a river where instead of pan you needed a bucket and a wagon because there was such an abundance of gold, jewels and diamonds available for all to take….one gold nugget or priceless jewel of wisdom, insight and knowledge shared one after another, after another, after another, so that by the end of the weekend…everyone in attendance (about 80 people) was literally glowing from all the wisdom received during the teaching and deep peace experienced during meditation. People not only looked richer (happier), but there was soulful richness that left everyone quite giddy. Dr. Lad has a beautiful way of sharing stories and illustrating his thoughts, not to mention a really great and uplifting sense of humor. And well words can’t even really describe what it’s like being in the presence of Shri Anandi Ma and Dileepji…there love is so palpable and real that it fills the soul like nothing else in the world. Best of all, we all laughed a lot…which in itself is always rejuvenating.
For those of you not familiar with Ayurveda, Ayurveda is an ancient, vedic system for healing. Ayurveda teaches and guides one on a physical level so that the body can gain balance through prevention of disease and rejuvenation needed from daily living so that it can further help a yogic aspirant bring all of his/her senses into union (yoga). The aim of course is to create optimum health on a physical level, but more importantly is the reason for optimum health….which is to work towards the ultimate goal of mastering our minds so that we can reach the soul and answer those questions that only Truth can answer…Who am I? Where did I come from? and…Where am I going?
The beauty of Ayurveda is that the whole system is rooted in what the earth naturally gives us. For example, once you learn what kind of body type you have, they teach you how to balance your body’s constitution through your daily food choices, specific herbs and home remedies that fit your body type. Then they also recommend various yoga asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) that can help further help support your specific body type…I’m just constantly amazed by it’s simplicity, potency and accuracy. It’s so individually specific, that it’s really able to solve problems from the root rather just at the surface level.
Dr. Lad led us through a “Journey of the Chakras” from a healing perspective as well as a spiritual perspective, he spoke a lot on awareness and he stressed the importance of why cultivating unconditional love for the God/ Truth that resides in each one of us is so important. It was fascinating to learn that so many illnesses and diseases are actually deeply rooted in our self-esteem/ self confidence and lack of love for ourselves. Anandi Ma and Dileepji were able to add a lot of valuable insight from a deeply spiritual point of view.
The underlying message that I got loud and clear was that finding the right balance for YOU is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. When you balance you body, you then have a better chance at balancing your mind. And if you can balance your mind, then soon after your soul will feel the effects and then it will have the opportunity to meet Truth itself…it’s a domino effect :).
My favorite part of the conference was when Dr. Lad spoke about being present in the moment because that’s all we truly have. He said, we don’t have the past; it’s just memories. And we don’t have the future; it’s just an idea. ” WHAT IS, is what we have. WHAT IS is. Be with it. Don’t run from it. Don’t interfere with it. Because WHAT IS, is what’s going to transform you. Could be, would be and should be…are just maya” (illusions and ideas)…so don’t waste your time running after them. “Upgrade your lifestyle, it’s great medicine for the soul”.
If you ever get a chance to attend a lecture or conference with Dr. Lad, Shri Anandi Ma or Dileepji…don’t hesitate, because they all have an abundance to give and share….you’ll definitely be richer…and happier. I know I am:).
For those of you new to meditation and are looking for the real deal..I would highly suggest attending a meditation program or event hosted by Shri Anandi and Dileepji…they are priceless. And to learn more information on Ayurveda, I would suggest checking out some of Dr. Lad’s books and his school of Ayurveda that he started in Albuquerque, New Mexico …he’s a real gem.
I would love to hear others thoughts that also attended….!!!
You so eloquently and perfectly captured the essence of the workshop. The opening of the human heart to be filled with more and more light and beauty. Through genuine and sincere laughter, wisdom and delight.
Everyone there was offering to each other so much respect and care. We were lovingly taken care of and gently guided to go deeper and deeper with in.
I whole heartly recommend that everyone in what ever time, visit the ashram and the Institute , to be refreshed and rejuvenated.
Thanks! I’m so glad you were able to come down for this workshop…it really was wonderful.