How do you get your weekly dose of INSPIRATION?
This weekend I had the opportunity to be a part of Jessica Brogan’s “Inspiration Deck Swap“. The jist of the swap is that you make 52 inspirational cards, mail them in, Jessica compiles them all together and then splits them into 52 new decks, which she then mails one back to you…for your weekly dose of inspiration. For more details, this is what she wrote about it on her blog:
You make one Inspiration Deck, using a normal deck of playing cards. The entire Inspiration Deck tutorial I created can be seen here.
~ Embellish them, paint on them, sticker them, glitter them, bedazzle them in whichever way you love to do, and in whichever way you can do in two evenings in total (Let’s make this an easy and inspired project!)
~ Add one Inspiring or Motivating phrase to each card. You can glean your phrases from the handy internet, from friends, from book passages you love, from mentors or famous people. Just write something that inspires, encourages or ignites you on each card. *A different saying for each card please
The phrase that I am needing to hear most this week is:
~ Put your name and blog (and/or website) address on the back of each card. Here’s my easy way to add this to the back of my cards. I just smeared some gesso across the back, and then when dry, wrote my information across the smear with a permanent sharpie. But you can add your info how ever you want!
~ When your deck is DRY, put it into a well-sealed ziplock bag. This is to protect the cards from any inclement weather.
~ Put your ziplock bag, tightly closed, into a regular mailing package.
~ Mail it to me with your $5.00. **
I will hole-punch each card and bind them with a metal ring as seen in this photo. I will divvy up the cards and recreate as many Inspiration Decks as there are participants. And then, I will mail each of you your new Inspiration Deck, made entirely of cards from friends around the country/world! How fun is that??! Just imagine what inspiring messages you are going to find all year. Will you peak and look through it right away, or let yourself be surprised every week? Am I an art/real mail nerd? A little bit!

I had a great time making them and really look forward to seeing the deck that I’ll be getting in the mail soon….I hope to host one of these swaps in the next year sometime. Let me know if you’d be interested in being a part of it!