#100 Day Project Update…half way done!

#100 Day Project Update…half way done!

Halfway done! My #100 Day Project is in full swing and keeping me very busy :). Yesterday was day 50/100…so exiting!   A fun little fact about me… Although I’m a full-time graphic designer/ artist, I do most of my #100 Day Project art during my...
#100 Day Project Exhibition Prep

#100 Day Project Exhibition Prep

Putting on the final touches I’ve always enjoyed planning events; parties, dinners, retreats, workshops :). Prior to the event, you think of a theme, plan a menu, interact with people at stores, possibly put together a loose schedule of how you want the day or...
#100 Day Project: daily art

#100 Day Project: daily art

In October I had a ball doing a 30 day, art every day challenge. I didn’t really have any expectations for the month, I was just interested in sketching more and seeing if I’d be able to stick to the routine. Little did I know that it would awaken my creativity in a whole new way :). Above and below are a few of peeks of some of the art I created over the course of 30 days. I really enjoyed exploring my interpretation of goddesses :)…that’s Saraswati above and Lakshmi below…amongst sketching out recipes, my everyday yogini’s and I did a little ode to quiet places. It didn’t really put a box around the type of art I had to create which was so freeing.

#100 days of capturing gratitude

#100 days of capturing gratitude

New season, new adventure…. It’s that time of year here in Washington D.C…..cherry blossom’s are in full bloom! Yesterday morning my hubby and I got up early to catch the sunrise at the Tidal Basin and see these beauties in all their full glory. It was...
#100 Day Game Changer

#100 Day Game Changer

MY GAMECHANGER. ANY GUESSES? ? A little over 40 days into the hundred days, my hubby and I took a trip to Denver. And during that visit, I met up for coffee and a sketch date with a friend of friend (thank you, Trupti!), Cynthia Morris. What a fun afternoon! She...
October To-Do List + the winner is…

October To-Do List + the winner is…

Dear Friends, Happy October! I can’t thank you all enough for such an awesome response to my #100 Day Project Exhibit! The online connections and heartfelt emails this week have really meant the world to me! I hope my daily posts weren’t too much...
Night Owl Tendencies

Night Owl Tendencies

TAPPING INTO MY #100 DP FLOW During my #100 Day Project, most nights, after I finished up my work day, had dinner with my family, went for a walk and did a few things around the house, I’d sit down around 9 pm to start my daily creation. You’re probably...
Fueling Creativity

Fueling Creativity

INSPIRATION IN EVERYDAY MOMENTS.  Throughout my #100 Day project, I was amazed at how inspiration would surface from the least expected places. ? Naturally, at the beginning I gravitated towards creating my yogini’s and quotes that were running through my...
The Exhibit is officially OPEN!

The Exhibit is officially OPEN!

THE INSPIRATION BEHIND IT ALL.  From Jan 15-April 20, 2016 I did a #100 Day Project where I created one new piece of art daily. Some days I painted, a few days I sketched on paper with pen, and for many weeks I worked with watercolors. Some days I worked an hour, a...

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