Messages from the Universe

Messages from the Universe

Little Surprise, Big message This week I got a message dropped into my lap, straight from the universe :). My yoga teacher ended class with a little surprise. She put one of these Namaste cards at the foot of our mats…mine was the one above. The actual image...
#100 days of capturing gratitude

#100 days of capturing gratitude

New season, new adventure…. It’s that time of year here in Washington D.C…..cherry blossom’s are in full bloom! Yesterday morning my hubby and I got up early to catch the sunrise at the Tidal Basin and see these beauties in all their full glory. It was...
Heal Thy Self

Heal Thy Self

Last week I celebrated my birthday in California doing seva (selfless service) for my meditation teacher, Shri Anandi Ma. Another birthday, another year to reflect. So many blessings to be grateful for, lessons to learn from and future wishes to put out into the universe.

My top 5 favorite apps

My top 5 favorite apps

When there are literally millions and millions of apps out there, I find that I really appreciate app recommendations from those around me. So in this post, I thought I’d share some of my favorite apps, outside of the standard camera, weather and email apps that I use daily :)….

Sneak Peek…new services on the horizon :)!

Sneak Peek…new services on the horizon :)!

Over the past few years, one of my favorite parts of my business has been meeting and connecting with more of YOU. What I’ve learned is that we all have so much in common. A lot of you are holistic professionals; yoga teachers, therapists, life coaches, massage...
Love Letter to Me

Love Letter to Me

As you move through the day today sharing your love and celebrating those around you, I hope you also take a few minutes to love on yourself :).

Head vs. Heart

Head vs. Heart

Prints available here. Tapping into your heart One of my favorite yoga instructors back in California use to always start his classes off by saying…”FOLLOW THE WISDOM OF YOU HEART”. I use to love the imagery that would ensue in my head. Bright blue...

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