Constant Festivities

The fall has always been my favorite season…not only because of sweater weather :), but because of the constant festivities that take place between my rich Indian heritage and eccletic American upbringing….all the way from late August through the end of December. This year is obviously very different for me since it’s my first holiday season without my parents. I miss them more than ever these days, but am so grateful that they took the time to teach my sister and I how to honor our roots while living our modern day lives.

Indian Celebrations in the Fall

Last weekend we wrapped up a 2 week period in our Indian culture called Shraddh. Shraddh is a specific period of days dedicated to our ancestors. During those days, we cook their favorite foods, donate to local food banks in their honor and pray for their continued evolution. Then this week marked the beginning of Navartri, a nine-day period of time dedicated to the various forms of the Divine Mother— and specifically honoring the battle that took place between the Divine Mother Durga and the a demon known as Mahishasura, (a.k.a the ego). And then, towards the end of October, there will be ceremonies dedicated to Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kali, before we celebrate Diwali and our Indian New Year’s. 

All of these celebrations have so much beautiful meaning…inside and out. Special opportunities to give thanks, honor our ancestors, pray for peace, partake in rituals, gather with family, break some bread and most importantly–go within to spend time with the Divine….all to start the new year off right.

So in honor of giving thanks, looking within and feeding our souls…I hope my Early Fall, Indian- Inspired Gift Guide helps you sprinkle some inspiration into your life, as well as to those your love.

May the divine shine brightly through YOU! 


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